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  3. Proposal Estimates

Proposal Estimates

Proposal Estimates are a long-form style of estimate. Write a very detailed description of the scope of work to be done. This proposal can be as long as needed. Then add a general price breakdown for the scope of work described in the proposal. Proposal Estimates are generally used for Contract Projects, however, they can be used for Time & Material Projects as well.

Create a Proposal Estimate

  1. In the main lefthand navigation, click Revenue > Estimates
  2. On the Estimate list screen, click the Add Estimate button in the top right corner.

Estimate Information

  1. In the Create An Estimate popup, select Proposal Estimate as the Estimate Type.
  2. Complete project details but select the Customer (or Add Customer if the customer is not already in the system), assign an Estimate Number, Project Name, and enter Project Location
  3. In the Contacts Tab, you may select from the customer contacts whom you want to be associated with this project. However, this is not required.
  4. Click Save at the bottom right of the screen

Assigning customer contacts to your projects makes it easy to communicate, and send documents and alerts to the correct people. When creating an Estimate, you may only want to select the person you’re sending the Estimate to. You can always add more contact later.

Estimate Details

Write your proposal (or past from another document) in the large Estimate Details field. 

Add pricing breakdown details in the table below the proposal by clicking the + button, and in the popup, enter the Item Description and Amount.

Click Save

You may enter negative amounts in the pricing breakdown items for things like discounts or credits.

Estimate Terms

In the Estimate Terms section, enter the terms of the estimate or select from your estimate terms templates from the dropdown. If selecting an Estimate Terms Template, you may edit the terms without affecting the original template.


Choose to display the client and your digital signature on the estimate document by turning on Show Client Signature and Show My Signature toggles.

When finished, click Save in the bottom right corner

Send Estimate

Option 1: Send Email

  1. To send an estimate to the customer, select Save & Send in the bottom right corner
  2. Select from the list of customer contacts associated with this project, to whom you want to send this Estimate. You can also add additional email addresses if desired.
  3. Include a message that will show in the customer’s estimate email.
  4. Click Send

From the Save and Send pop-up, you may also click the Preview button to view the customer-side invoice portal.

Option 2: Get Link

  1. To send an invoice to the customer, select Save & Link in the bottom right corner
  2. A pop-up will appear with a URL directly to the customer-side invoice portal. Click Copy Link to copy the URL to your clipboard
  3. You can now paste the link into any communication with your clients.

Estimate Approval

Once the client receives the link to the client estimate screen, they have the option to Approve or Decline the estimate. A popup will appear asking the client to digitally sign this document.

Within the Werx system, you may also change the estimate status at any time using the drop-down button at the top right of the screen.

Once approved, you can now create a new project from your estimate.

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