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  3. Estimate Terms Templates

Estimate Terms Templates

Create default estimate terms for users to use when creating Itemized and Proposal Estimates. These terms can then be edited within the estimate without effecting the original estimate template.

Create an Estimate Terms Template

  1. In your Werx account settings section, select Estimate Terms 
  2. Click Add Estimate Term
  3. In the Estimate Term Details popup, Name your estimate term and add your terms details to the text box
  4. Click Save in the lower left corner

The estimate terms text box is rich text formatted allowing the user the ability to add basic styling such as bold, italic, underlines, and bullet lists. as well as being able to copy and paste text from documents while maintaining basic formatting.

You can add as many terms as needed. When creating an estimate, the user will be able to select the desired template from the list.

Set a Default Terms Template

You also have the ability to set one of your estimate terms as the default. This will automatically select the estimate terms on new estimates. In the estimate details popup, turn on Set as Default toggle .

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