

Create a new Item

  1. In the main lefthand navigation, click Revenue > Catalog
  2. On the Customers list screen, click the Add Item button in top right corner.

Catalog Item Details

  1. Select if this item is a Product or a Service
  2. Provide the product’s Name, SKU, Description, and sales price. Additionally, you may specify a default cost amount for the product.
  3. If you’re linked to QuickBooks Online, designate the Income Account to which this item should be allocated. Likewise, indicate the Expense account for products.

Sync to QuickBooks Online

For accounts connected to QuickBooks Online

Once you have completed the catalog items details and are ready to sync this customer to QuickBooks, select the Send to QuickBooks checkbox and then click Save.

If the Send to QuickBooks checkbox is greyed out and not selectable, please have an administrator check your QuickBooks Online connection settings to make sure your accounts are connected.

Import your Items from QuickBooks Online

Once you have connected your Werx account with your QuickBooks online account, you can import your existing Products and Services.

  1. From the Catalog screen, select the dropdown area on the Add Item button in the top right corner and select Import From QuickBooks”
  2. From the import screens select the items checkbox that you wish to import and click the Import Button the bottom right of the screen.

If you’ve imported items from QuickBooks before, those items will be labeled as “Item already in Catalog” and cannot be chosen again. This is to avoid duplicate entries. Additionally, if you manually input an item in Werx with the same name as one being imported from QuickBooks, it will be labeled as “Link to Werx Item.” Importing these items will link them to the existing item, preventing duplicates.

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